David A. Antler

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Everything that isnt a book review or a project.

  • Mathematica on the cheap 
  • Police scanning with an SDR in Seattle 
  • What to do when your PC aggressively wants to sleep 
  • Clever cost-savings on a MUJI interface board 
  • Using a Mac 
  • Spanish learning log #5 
  • Never forget that word you looked up 
  • Deployment privacy with Hexo 
  • Olympic Peninsula Long Weekend Trip 
  • Notes on books 
  • 3 things I learned about rotary encoders 
  • Spanish learning log #4 
  • My Yaesu VX-5RS handy talkie 
  • Spanish learning log #3 
  • Stop ruminating and build a prototype! 
  • Spanish learning log #2 
  • How infrared remotes work 
  • Learning Spanish via 'Fluent Forever' 
  • Spanish learning log #1 
  • Using Push-to-Talk on a Windows Touch-screen Tablet 
  • Home